ATP 3-50.21 Survival – 2018 – Mini size

$ 10.95

Dated September 2018.

228 pages.

This is an official US Army publication.



ATP 3-50.21, Survival, sets forth the doctrine pertaining to survival in an isolated situation. The ATP discusses the tenets of survival and the methods Soldiers, DA civilians, and DA contractors can use when surviving individually or in a group. It aligns and nests with FM 3-50’s discussion of personnel recovery. The personnel recovery mission includes preparing Army personnel in danger of isolation while participating in any activity or mission sponsored by the United States. Isolation refers to persons separated from their unit or in a situation where they must survive, evade, resist, or escape. ATP 3-50.21 contains eight chapters and two appendixes.


The following is a brief description of each chapter and appendix:


Chapter 1 provides an overview of personnel recovery and discusses survival proficiencies. Chapter 2 discusses survival medicine applications.

Chapter 3 covers water collection methods.

Chapter 4 discusses food collection and preparation methods. Chapter 5 focuses on fire craft for survival.

Chapter 6 covers constructing shelters in the field and clothing. Chapter 7 discusses land navigation methods.

Chapter 8 covers survival, evasion and recovery equipment.

Appendix A discusses ropes and knots useful for survival applications.


The U.S. Army Personnel Recovery Proponent made a decision to divide the revision of FM 3-05.70, Survival from one large volume into separate ATPs for easier access and reading. ATP 3-50.21 is the second in a series of ATPs for Army personnel recovery. The series also includes the following:


ATP 3-50.20, Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) Preparation and Planning, discusses the preparation and training required to conduct SERE operations in a theater.


ATP 3-50.22, Evasion, discusses evasion techniques used to evade enemy forces and prepare for recovery from friendly forces or by self-recovery.




This book is a “Mini” (half the size of a piece of paper).

A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading.  The binding is with coil, allowing easy flipping of pages without jamming.

The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

(A BIG size version (8 1/2 inch by 11 inch, the same size as a regular sheet of paper) is on this website too)

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ATP 3-50.21 Survival – 2018 – Mini size
$ 10.95