ATP 3-18.12 SF Waterborne Opns – 2022 – BIG size

$ 20.95

Dated December 2022

418 pages.

ATP 3-18.12 presents a series of concise, proven techniques and guidelines essential to safe and successful waterborne operations. It also provides a consolidated reference for training and employing Special Forces (SF) and Marines in all types of waterborne operations.

This publication applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States, and the United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.


Dated December 2022

418 pages.

ATP 3-18.12 presents a series of concise, proven techniques and guidelines essential to safe and successful waterborne operations. It also provides a consolidated reference for training and employing Special Forces (SF) and Marines in all types of waterborne operations.

This publication applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States, and the United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.

Waterborne operations involve the employment of forces from waterborne platforms to meet objectives ashore; they may be in support of or independent from amphibious operations. This ATP covers the entire spectrum of waterborne operations as they apply to United States Army Special Forces. It provides detailed operational planning considerations for the following: small-boat operations, surface swimming operations, dive operations, submarine operations, riverine operations, and air operations. It also provides information on a variety of associated subject areas.

In Color

This book is a “BIG” (8 1/2 inches high by 11  inches wide) size – the size of a regular sheet of paper.  The popular “mini” size (half the size of this book) is also on this web site at a reduced price.

The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

Coil binding is used allowing for easy page flipping without binding.

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ATP 3-18.12 SF Waterborne Opns – 2022 – BIG size
$ 20.95