TC 7-100.3 Irregular Opposing Forces is one of a series that describes an opposing force (OPFOR) for training U.S. Army commanders, staffs, and units.
This training circular (TC), as part of the TC 7-100 series, addresses the irregular opposing force (OPFOR), which in Army training exercises represents a composite of actual threats and enemies that comprise irregular forces. The three primary categories of irregular forces portrayed by the OPFOR are insurgents, guerrillas, and criminals. These actors may operate separately or in conjunction with one another and/or combined with regular military forces as the Hybrid Threat (HT) for training. This TC also addresses other actors present in an operational environment (OE), who may be affiliated with the irregular OPFOR through willing support or coercion, and/or may be passive or unknowing supporters of the irregular OPFOR.
This book is a “Mini” (half the size of a piece of paper).
A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading. The binding is with coil, allowing easy flipping of pages without jamming.
The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.
(A BIG size version (8 1/2 inch by 11 inch, the same size as a regular sheet of paper) is on this website too)