STP 17-19All-OFS, 19A Captain – 2020 – BIG size

$ 16.95

STP 17-19All-OFS,  Officer Foundation Standards for ARMOR COMPANY- GRADE OFFICERS, 19A CAPTAIN

dated March 2020

440 pages.

1-1. GENERAL. Armor officers should complete normal educational, experiential, and training requirements to advance and develop themselves professionally and personally.


STP 17-19All-OFS,  Officer Foundation Standards for ARMOR COMPANY- GRADE OFFICERS, 19A CAPTAIN

dated March 2020

440 pages.

1-1. GENERAL. Armor officers should complete normal educational, experiential, and training requirements to advance and develop themselves professionally and personally.

This manual identifies the individual armor branch 19 requirements for company grade officers. It provides operations-based individual tasks required of commanders at company/troop level. This manual is the primary reference to support the self-development and career progression of Armor officers.

Use this manual with the Soldier’s manuals of common tasks (SMCT), Army Training and Evaluation Program Mission Training Plans (ARTEP-MTP), and FM 7-1, Battle-Focused Training, to establish effective training that will integrate Soldier, leader, and collective tasks

This book is a “BIG” (the size of a regular piece of paper) size – Coil binding is used to allow for easy page flipping with no binding.

This website also has this book in “mini” size (half the size of a regular sheet of paper). A popular, reduced cost size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading.

The Color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.


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STP 17-19All-OFS, 19A Captain – 2020 – BIG size
$ 16.95