MVCT-2 Muzzle Velocity Corr Tables – mini size

$ 7.95

This book is a “mini” (7 1/4 inches high by 5 1/2 inches wide) size.

– A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading.  The binding uses a coil, allowing for easy page flipping without jamming.

This website also has this book in “BIG” size (the size of a regular sheet of paper)

The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.



Muzzle Velocity Correction Tables

Dated Feb 2008

172 pages.

These tables are published for the information and guidance of personnel whose responsibility is the use of data generated by the radar chronograph. They provide the data necessary to correct the measured muzzle velocity for variations in projectile weight and propellant temperature from their standards. The information in the tables was compiled from Fire Control Inputs (FCI’s) maintained by the Firing Tables and Ballistics Division.

The muzzle velocity readout from a radar chronograph is the projectile velocity at the muzzle for the projectile weight and propellant temperature at the time of firing. This muzzle velocity must be corrected to the muzzle velocity that would have been read for standard projectile weight and propellant temperature. The radar chronograph tables contain muzzle velocity corrections due to nonstandard projectile weight and propellant temperature for weapon, projectile and propelling charge combinations.

This book is a “mini” (7 1/4 inches high by 5 1/2 inches wide) size.

– A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading.  The binding uses a coil, allowing for easy page flipping without jamming.

This website also has this book in “BIG” size (the size of a regular sheet of paper)

The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

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MVCT-2 Muzzle Velocity Corr Tables – mini size
$ 7.95