ATP 3-37.2 Antiterrorism – BIG size

$ 16.95

Dated 19 July 2021

ATP 3-37.2 establishes fundamental principles and techniques for antiterrorism applications across the range of military operations. It is based on lessons learned from terrorist attacks, wartime engagements, and existing and developing antiterrorism strategies (military, federal, state, and local), policies, and doctrine.

ATP 3-37.2 links Army antiterrorism doctrine to the defense, joint, and Army guidance. ATP 3-37.2 is written for global operations and provides operational force commanders and antiterrorism officers (ATOs) with the tools and expertise needed for antiterrorism.

The principal audience for ATP 3-37.2 is commanders, staffs, leaders, and ATOs at all echelons that will plan and employ the antiterrorism principles and techniques outlined herein. Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this manual.


Dated 19 July 2021

ATP 3-37.2 establishes fundamental principles and techniques for antiterrorism applications across the range of military operations. It is based on lessons learned from terrorist attacks, wartime engagements, and existing and developing antiterrorism strategies (military, federal, state, and local), policies, and doctrine.

ATP 3-37.2 links Army antiterrorism doctrine to the defense, joint, and Army guidance. ATP 3-37.2 is written for global operations and provides operational force commanders and antiterrorism officers (ATOs) with the tools and expertise needed for antiterrorism.

The principal audience for ATP 3-37.2 is commanders, staffs, leaders, and ATOs at all echelons that will plan and employ the antiterrorism principles and techniques outlined herein. Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this manual.

ATP 3-37.2 applies to Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States and United States Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. Also, it is applicable to civil works projects.

IN Color

This book is “BIG” size (11 inches high by 8 1/2 inches wide) size.  The binding is using coils, allowing for easy, non jamming page flipping.

The color cover is laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

If you want a mini size (half the size of a regular sheet of paper), we have it on this web site.

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ATP 3-37.2 Antiterrorism – BIG size
$ 16.95