FM 3-19.11 MP Special-Reaction Teams – 2005 – BIG size

$ 16.95

dated May 2005

418 pages.

This is a BIG size book (the size of a regular sheet of paper), if you want a “mini” size (half the size of a regular sheet of paper), it is also on this web site.

The military police SRT is an elite military police organization that is tasked with force protection and control of special threat situations. Part One consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 provides fundamental information on the responsibilities and organization of the SRT, the threat management force (TMF), and the crisis management organization (CMO). Chapter 2 provides planning considerations for containing and neutralizing special threats.


dated May 2005

418 pages.

This is a BIG size book (the size of a regular sheet of paper), if you want a “mini” size (half the size of a regular sheet of paper), it is also on this web site.

The military police SRT is an elite military police organization that is tasked with force protection and control of special threat situations. Part One consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 provides fundamental information on the responsibilities and organization of the SRT, the threat management force (TMF), and the crisis management organization (CMO). Chapter 2 provides planning considerations for containing and neutralizing special threats.

This book is “BIG” size (11 inches high by 8 1/2 inches wide) size.  The binding is using coils, allowing for easy, non jamming page flipping.

The color cover is laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

If you want a mini size (half the size of a regular sheet of paper), we have it on this web site.

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FM 3-19.11 MP Special-Reaction Teams – 2005 – BIG size
$ 16.95