FM 3-04 Army Aviation – 2020 – Mini size

$ 9.95

FM 3-04 is the Army’s capstone doctrinal publication for conducting aviation operations. Its purpose is to provide the context for employing and integrating Army Aviation into unified land operations. It describes how Army Aviation forces, as part of the combined arms team, shape operational environments (OEs), prevent conflict, conduct large-scale combat operations (LSCO), and consolidate gains against a peer threat. FM 3-04 provides a foundation for subordinate training doctrine, professional military education, leader development, and individual and collective training

Dated April 2020

FM 3-04 is the Army’s capstone doctrinal publication for conducting aviation operations. Its purpose is to provide the context for employing and integrating Army Aviation into unified land operations. It describes how Army Aviation forces, as part of the combined arms team, shape operational environments (OEs), prevent conflict, conduct large-scale combat operations (LSCO), and consolidate gains against a peer threat. FM 3-04 provides a foundation for subordinate training doctrine, professional military education, leader development, and individual and collective training

FM 3-04 is applicable to all members of the Army Profession: leaders, Soldiers, and Army civilians.

FM 3-04 describes the core competencies, organizations, operations, sustainment, capabilities, tactics, and procedures of Army Aviation forces.

FM 3-04 contains five chapters:

Chapter 1 introduces Army Aviation’s role in unified land operations. It describes the core competencies of Army Aviation and presents unique aspects of aviation operations throughout the multi-domain operational environment.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of each of the various organizations and unique staff officers in Army Aviation. It also provides references for commanders and staffs on command and support relationships, command post operations, and integration of Army Aviation with joint airspace users.

Chapter 3 discusses and provides examples of the various missions which may be conducted by Army Aviation units. It adds discussion of aerial-delivered mine operations and considerations for aviation operations in a contested airspace environment.

Chapter 4 provides an overview of Army Aviation’s requirements for and contributions to sustainment operations. It includes expanded discussion of forward arming and refueling points in the LSCO environment.

Chapter 5 provides basic discussion of the capabilities, requirements, and limitations of each of the aircraft and unique support systems operated by Army Aviation units.

This book is a “mini” (half the size of a regular piece of paper) size – A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading. Coil binding is used to allow for easy page flipping with no binding.

This website also has this book in “BIG” size (the size of a regular sheet of paper)

The Color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × .5 × 7 in
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FM 3-04 Army Aviation – 2020 – Mini size
$ 9.95