ATP 4-32.16 EOD – 2015 – mini size

$ 5.95

Dated 6 May 2015

This publication identifies standard multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) for planning, integrating, and executing explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operations in a joint environment.  It provides guidance for coordinating and integrating multi-Service EOD operations efficiently and safely. It delineates a range of options for the combatant and joint task force (JTF) commanders to consider when employing a joint EOD force. It also highlights the EOD capabilities and force structures resident in each Service.


Dated 6 May 2015

This publication identifies standard multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) for planning, integrating, and executing explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operations in a joint environment.  It provides guidance for coordinating and integrating multi-Service EOD operations efficiently and safely. It delineates a range of options for the combatant and joint task force (JTF) commanders to consider when employing a joint EOD force. It also highlights the EOD capabilities and force structures resident in each Service.

It is applicable to the entire joint EOD force and establishes the procedures necessary to protect all United States (US) military and multinational personnel and operations.

This book is a “mini” (7 1/4 inches high by 5 1/2 inches wide) size – A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading.  It has coil binding, allowing for easy page flipping withing jamming.

The color covers are laminated for weather protection.

(If you want a BIG size (the size of a regular sheet of paper), we have it on this website too)

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ATP 4-32.16 EOD – 2015 – mini size
$ 5.95