
ATP 4-15 Army Watercraft Operations – 2015 – Mini size

$ 9.95

Dated April 2015 with Change 1 dated 13 July 2015

118 pages.

This is an authentic US Army publication.

ATP 4-15 Army Watercraft Operations is the Army’s doctrinal manual for Army watercraft operations. Its purpose is to provide authoritative doctrine on watercraft operations that support unified land operations. The intent of this FM is to support strategic and operational reach, and enable endurance. This ATP also establishes how watercraft operations are integrated and synchronized into the overall operations process – plan, prepare, execute, and assess.


This book is a “Mini” (half the size of a piece of paper).

A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading.  The binding is with coil, allowing easy flipping of pages without jamming.

The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

(A BIG size version (8 1/2 inch by 11 inch, the same size as a regular sheet of paper) is on this website too)




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ATP 4-15 Army Watercraft Operations – 2015 – Mini size
$ 9.95