ATP 3-90.4 Combined Arms Mobility provides doctrine on combined arms mobility missions, tasks, and activities executed by corps, divisions, brigade combat teams (BCTs)/regimental landing teams (RLTs), battalions/task forces (TFs), and associated enablers. This publication provides commanders and staffs with the doctrine needed to conduct the combined arms missions that overcome obstacles and enable maneuver (breaching and gap crossing) and those that primarily enable movement (clearing, constructing, and maintaining combat roads and trails; constructing forward airfields and landing zones; and conducting traffic management and enforcement).
The principal audiences for ATP 3-90.4/MCTP 3-34A are maneuver commanders, staffs, and engineers who plan and execute mobility in deep, close, and support areas while synchronizing enablers and warfighting functions. The information contained in this manual will affect other Services and branches of the Army in planning and integrating engineer and mobility-enabling capabilities. This manual will also assist Army branch schools in teaching about the integration of assured mobility operations into Army and joint operations.
This book is a “Mini” (half the size of a piece of paper).
A popular size to carry anywhere (briefcase, large pocket, purse) but the print is large enough for easy reading. The binding is with coil, allowing easy flipping of pages without jamming.
The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.
(A BIG size version (8 1/2 inch by 11 inch, the same size as a regular sheet of paper) is on this website too)