ATP 3-39.12 Law Enforcement Investigations – Vol 1 – 2024 – BIG

$ 18.95

Dated April 2024

474 pages.

ATP 3-39.12-1 is aligned with the Military Police Corps Regiment FM 3-39. It is intended as a guide and toolkit for military police investigators (MPIs), traffic management and collision investigators (TMCIs) and military police Soldiers conducting law enforcement (LE) and LE investigations. It also educates military police commanders and staffs on LE investigations capabilities, enabling a more thorough understanding of those capabilities. This increased understanding facilitates staff planning, resource allocation, and the ability to articulate LE investigative capabilities and requirements to supported commanders and organizations.


Dated April 2024

474 pages.

ATP 3-39.12-1 is aligned with the Military Police Corps Regiment FM 3-39. It is intended as a guide and toolkit for military police investigators (MPIs), traffic management and collision investigators (TMCIs) and military police Soldiers conducting law enforcement (LE) and LE investigations. It also educates military police commanders and staffs on LE investigations capabilities, enabling a more thorough understanding of those capabilities. This increased understanding facilitates staff planning, resource allocation, and the ability to articulate LE investigative capabilities and requirements to supported commanders and organizations.

The principal audience for ATP 3-39.12-1 is Army military police personnel, including Department of the Army (DA) civilian police conducting LE investigations activities while assigned to military police brigades, battalions, companies, detachments, and provost marshal (PM) staffs.

This book is “BIG” size (11 inches high by 8 1/2 inches wide) size.  The binding is using coils, allowing for easy, non jamming page flipping.

The color cover is laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

If you want a mini size (half the size of a regular sheet of paper), we have it on this web site.

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × .5 × 11 in
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ATP 3-39.12 Law Enforcement Investigations – Vol 1 – 2024 – BIG
$ 18.95