ATP 3-34.81 Engineer Reconnaissance – BIG size – 2016

$ 13.95

1 March 2016  with Change 1 dated Jan 2017 (this publicataion replaced FM 3-34.170, Engineer Reconnaissance dated 2008)

ATP 3-34.81 provides techniques for the performance of tactical and technical engineer reconnaissance in support of military activities that are conducted across the full range of military operations.

ATP 3-34.81 applies to Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, United States Army Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserves unless otherwise stated.


1 March 2016  with Change 1 dated Jan 2017 (this publicataion replaced FM 3-34.170, Engineer Reconnaissance dated 2008)

ATP 3-34.81 provides techniques for the performance of tactical and technical engineer reconnaissance in support of military activities that are conducted across the full range of military operations.

ATP 3-34.81 applies to Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, United States Army Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserves unless otherwise stated.

This publication discusses the capability resident within combat engineer units to form and employ engineer reconnaissance teams (ERTs). It also describes the capability resident within general engineer elements to form and employ ERTs, augment combat engineer ERTs, or provide assessment and survey teams.

This publication consists of five chapters and six appendixes that discuss the integration of engineer reconnaissance within the operational planning, execution, and assessment process.

This book is a “BIG” (8 1/2 inches high by 11  inches wide) size – the size of a regular sheet of paper.  The popular “mini” size (half the size of this book) is also on this web site at a reduced price.

The color covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing.

Coil binding is used allowing for easy page flipping without binding.

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ATP 3-34.81 Engineer Reconnaissance – BIG size – 2016
$ 13.95