22nd Chemical Bn TACSOP

$ 9.95

An excellent SOP for you Chemical guys.  Use this as an guide to build your own Chemical SOP.

Special order for 22nd Chemical Bn

SUBJECT: 22D Chemical Battalion (TE) Tactical SOP (TACSOP)

This document is the 22d Chemical Battalion (TE) Tactical Standing Operating procedures (22d Chem TACSOP).

Purpose. This SOP prescribes guidance for the conduct of continuous operations by the 22d Chemical Battalion.  It standardizes routine and recurring operational procedures and responsibilities of staff sections, key individuals, and units assigned, attached or supporting throughout the 22d Chemical Battalion’s area of responsibility.

Application/Scope. This TACSOP covers wartime procedures throughout and after deployment. All items apply unless modified through changes to the TACSOP or by operations orders and plans. As always, these items do not supersede good judgment and common sense.


An excellent SOP for you Chemical guys.  Use this as an guide to build your own Chemical SOP.

Special order for 22nd Chemical Bn

SUBJECT: 22D Chemical Battalion (TE) Tactical SOP (TACSOP)

This document is the 22d Chemical Battalion (TE) Tactical Standing Operating procedures (22d Chem TACSOP).

Purpose. This SOP prescribes guidance for the conduct of continuous operations by the 22d Chemical Battalion.  It standardizes routine and recurring operational procedures and responsibilities of staff sections, key individuals, and units assigned, attached or supporting throughout the 22d Chemical Battalion’s area of responsibility.

Application/Scope. This TACSOP covers wartime procedures throughout and after deployment. All items apply unless modified through changes to the TACSOP or by operations orders and plans. As always, these items do not supersede good judgment and common sense.

Directed and Supporting Documents.

This TACSOP reflects current doctrine, tactics/techniques/procedures, technical manuals, and Army regulations.
Primary references:
1)      FM 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Production

2)      FM 6-0, Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces.

3)      FM 3-11, MTTPs for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Operations

4)      FM 3-11.4, MTTPs for NBC Protection

5)      FM 3-11.5, MTTPs for CBRN Decontamination

6)      FM 3-11.19, MTTPs for NBC Reconnaissance

7)      FM 3-11.21, MTTPs for NBC Aspects of Consequence Management

8)      FM 3-11.34, Multiservice Procedures for NBC Defense of Theater Fixed Sites, Ports, and Airfields.

9)      FM 3-11.86, MTTPs for Biological Surveillance

10)  FM 4-01.45, MTTPs for Tactical Convoy Operations

11)  ARTEP 3-116-MTP, Mission Training Plan for the Chemical Battalion and Brigade Headquarters

12)  ARTEP 3-417-10-DRILL, Battle Drills for the Decontamination Platoon

13)  ARTEP 3-207-10-MTP, Mission Training Plan for the NBC Reconnaissance Platoon

ARTEP 3-327-10-DRILL, Drills for CBRN Domestic Support Mission

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